There once was a girl named Sheri, who for the sake of this story we will call Alice. Alice was an adventurous girl who was becoming more and more interested in exploring sounds. As she started to dip her toes in the babbling brook that is sound healing she felt a calm and peace she had never before known. She wandered her way to Baja Mexico where she was told that with a little intuition and the right intention she too could learn the art of sound baths and sound healing.
And so she did.Â
On a parallel path was a little girl named Christina, who for the sake of this story we will call the Mad Hatter. She was indeed an adventurous girl. She found herself studying yoga in India when she stumbled into a Tibbetian bowl shop. She had only come to look. The insightful guru working there told her that she was meant to be taught the ancient art of sound healing through Tibetan bowls.
And so she did.
They were two little girls on parallel paths finding their own way when the universe decided their paths should intertwine.
And down the rabbit hole they went…..
Day and night they would sit in their tree house playing their sound instruments, creating sound baths & yearning to make the world a better place through sound.Â
One day a GIANT gong the Mad Hatter purchased arrived on her doorstep. As the gong sat unplayed for a few hours Brian, who for the sake of this story we will call the Cheshire Cat, appeared. The methodical and purposeful Cheshire Cat was drawn to the gong. In fact, he said it spoke to him.
And now there were three down the rabbit hole.
Alice, the Mad Hatter & the Cheshire Cat. You can either find them in their treehouse or down the rabbit hole. Creating beautiful sounds with only one purpose. To make the world a better place and to have the best time while doing it.