Yoga Nidra Gong BathYoga Nidra Sound Bath ReikiYoga NidraYoga Nidra Gong Bath

Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation  that will assist you in finding the “in between ” space that exists between wakefulness and sleep.  Your body and mind rest while your conscience remains awake. No prior yoga or meditation experience required. The sounds you will receive will include flutes, singing bowls, chimes, vibe drums and more.

Sound Bath San DiegoSound Bath San Diego

YIN Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath

YIN restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing yoga with most poses taken laying on your mat. You will create space within your body by holding postures longer, relaxing your muscles and through the use of props. No yoga experience needed. Just show up and be ready to relax. Allow gravity to melt you into each posture as sounds envelop your soul. The sounds that will wash through you will include flutes, singing bowls,chimes, drums and more.

Soft Sound Bath CrystalSoft Sound Bath Crystal PyramidSoft Sound Bath KailaniSoft Sound Bath Crystal

Soft Sound Bath

These sound baths are catered to those seeking a blissfully relaxing sound immersion. The soft sounds will take you to a whimsical state of relaxation where you will be able to release tension, reduce stress and simply let go… there will be no drums during this sound experience. 

Sound Bath Journey

This experience is for those seeking a full and rich sound journey. You will be taken on a magic carpet ride of sound with each experience having a beginning, middle and an end. Here you will experience sounds ranging from drums, singing bowls, chimes & gongs..

Private Sound BathSound Bath CustomPrivate Sound BathsPrivate Sound Bath

Private Sound Baths

We LOVE to do private and custom events and experiences. We will meet with you prior to the event to discuss your goals. We can theme the event to focus on love, healing, soft sounds or a universal blast off. Whether you are a group of friends celebrating a special occasion or a couple looking to bond, we can help facilitate an experience that will create memories for years to come. We have a space that will hold up to 13 participants or we can come to you.

Private Yoga Wheel Pose

Private Group or Individual Yoga

We offer group or individual yoga classes. We will design a special class based on your needs and goals. Why not pair movement with sound and offer a yoga class & sound bath?